Friday, February 22, 2008

More Ideas for Book Storage

Here are some book decorating ideas courtesy of Apartment therapy

House of Cards, Nightstand of...Books?

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm one of those stacking types--I stack papers, junk mail, coffee cup sleeves, CD jewels, catalogues--you name it, and I will pile it up precariously in a corner, chuck a paperweight on it (if I can find one), and call it "organized." However, lately I've been seeing a bit of a trend in some decor magazines that feature nightstands that are really just a pile of coffee table books with a lamp perched on top.

Look! Store your Books in the Rafters


We were charmed to the core over this ingenius book storage idea. Yes, these are just planks of painted plywood nailed to the supports for the loft above. They create perfect cubby spaces to store books, baskets and even small lights. Since we're in California, it would probably be a good idea to secure everything in place so it doesn't shake right off.

It helps that the ceiling is lower than a normal one, so you can actually reach the books. But we thought it was a pretty slick way of storing books in a small space without taking up a lot of the walls or floor. It doesn't hurt that so many of the books are neutral colors too. What do you think? Have you got a space this'll work in?

Look! Books-as-art-as-colorblocks!

Color block books! We spotted this idea in the latest Pottery Barn catalog. They used a few rows of picture railing to display colored books face forward.

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