Monday, May 12, 2008

The Private Collection

Ah Marilyn. A woman so many women would have loved to have been and that men would have loved to have been with. The Christie's auction of the century was held quite a while ago so while on earth would I bring it up now and what on earth does she have to do with a book blog?

At the time of her death some said she owned over 200 books, some said over 400, others say over 500. So what books could be found in this esoteric book-worms shelves?
I contacted Christies and Sotheby's to find out just that. But since it was a personal inquiry they were unable to provide me with the list of the titles auctioned off. Next I tried contacting a long list of those in possession of the auction catalog.

In the end I was able to hunt down the majority of titles that could be found in her library. Since it is too long for me to post here. And I would like to read titles that I have not read that were in it. I created an amazon wish list containing confirmed titles from her collection.
If you too are interested my list can be found here.


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